The 5 Best Papers for Acrylic Paint Right Now

Best papers for acrylic paint

When it comes to acrylic painting, there’s an almost endless choice of surfaces for you to choose from but happily, the best paper products for acrylic painting are here!

It is a relatively versatile form of art, and you can choose from anything from a stretched cotton canvas to some rather unusual mediums such as terracotta or degreased leather! 

However, Acrylic Paper Pads have always been the preferred surface when it comes to Acrylic Painting. For both beginners and professionals alike, paper has always been the favored medium thanks to a combination of affordability and convenience.

Unlike standard paper, Acrylic Paper Pads are much thicker and come with a textured surface for your paint to latch onto. They are also great for artists who are always on the go since acrylic paper pads are portable, unlike the standard cotton canvas.

So if you’re an acrylic painter looking for some of the Best Paper Products for Acrylic Painting, you’ve come to the right place!

We have reviewed a few of the best Acrylic Paper Pads that you can get in the market at reasonably affordable rates.

Best Papers for Acrylic Paint

Here is the list of the 5 best papers for acrylic paint that you can use to create stunning works of art.

1. 12-Sheet Acrylic Painting Spiral-Bound Paper Pad by U.S. Art Supply – Best for Easy & Casual Painting

U.S. Art Supply has always been consistent with its quality when it comes to affordable Paper Art Supplies. The 12-sheet Acrylic Painting Spiral Bound Paper by the company has earned the top spot in our review thanks to a perfect combination of smoothness and texture while still maintaining a thick and gritty surface to hold the paint in place!


While testing out this paper pad, we were incredibly impressed at how easy and convenient its usage was! These pads are extra thick and come with enough prime on them that they require no initial preparation before you commence with your painting.

Thanks to the Spiral-Bound Design, removing the pages is extremely easy, and the design allows the pad to rest comfortably on your lap for easy, casual painting. The high weight and thickness of these pads make them perfect for acrylic painting since bleeding of colors or bucking is almost guaranteed not to take place!

These paper pads are also acid-free and have a neutral pH level, both of which are ideal for acrylic painting!

Sheet Size: 11″ x 14″ | No. of Sheets: 12 Sheets | Paper Weight: 400 GSM

2. 115-Pound 10-Sheet Canvas Paper Pad from Strathmore – Best for Canvas-Like Texture

This is one of the most impressive acrylic paper pads that we’ve tested out in a long time simply because the texture on the paper is so canvas-like. These 10-sheet Canvas Paper Pads by Strathmore are perfect for all those artists who want to try out an idea on paper first before actually moving on to the actual canvas painting.


Our experience with these canvas paper pads was pretty outstanding. It feels almost like you’re painting on an actual canvas, while still having the flexibility and convenience that you’d get out of a paper pad!

The sheets of these paper pads are made out of thin cotton canvas which is absolutely great for experimenting with different types of acrylic and oil paints. Even the color of the paper has an off-white hue to it which is quite similar to a typical stretched canvas paper.

However, unlike a real stretched canvas, you’d need to treat the paper nicely if you plan on using very thin acrylic paints or other overly watery mediums on them.

Sheet Size: 9″ x 12″ | No. of Sheets: 10 Sheets | Paper Weight: 187 GSM

3. 22-Sheet Oil and Acrylic Essentials Artist Paper Pad from Royal Langnickel – Best for Versatility & Variety

Royal Langnickel is one of the well-recognized brands when it comes to high-quality art supplies. We have tested a wide range of their products over time, and most of them performed brilliantly.

This 22-sheet Oil and Acrylic Paper Pad by the company makes it to the third spot in our review thanks to the outstanding flexibility of its design that allows it to handle a ton of different art mediums.  


We were pretty impressed with these Paper Pads when we first put it to the test. Measuring about 12 inches by 9 inches and with a thickness of 125lb, these paper pads gave us a lot of leeway in what we could do with them.

These paper pads can hold almost any type of art medium, from acrylic paintings to charcoal and oil paintings to even decoupage, gouache.

While you’d need no initial preparation if you’re planning on doing an acrylic painting, some advanced preparation is required if you’re looking to use watercolor paint or gouache. It’s advisable that you treat the paper first before painting using watercolor as that will go a long way in preventing the warping of the paper.

Sheet Size: 9″ x 12″ | No. of Sheets: 22 Sheets | Paper Weight: 125 GSM

4. Acrylic Paint Artist Paper Pad from Royal Langnickel Essentials

This is for all those of you who are looking for a good quality acrylic paper pad for practice or warm-up. These are also perfect for all those of you who are just starting out with acrylic painting and wish to get a decent paper pad without having to spend a lot of money on it


At first glance, this 17-sheet Acrylic Paper Pad didn’t quite impress us, because unlike the other two in our review, these were not as thick and texturized as we’d liked. But when we actually started painting on these pads, we could all agree that they were indeed pretty decent for the price they came at. Rather than a professional paper pad, these paper pads are designed mainly for beginners who are just getting started with acrylic painting.  

The thickness of the sheets of these acrylic paper pads is only 96 lbs. Although that’s good enough for acrylic painting, you’d most definitely have a lot of problems if you choose to paint with a more watery medium.

Sheet Size: 5″ x 7″ | No. of Sheets: 15 Sheets | Paper Weight: 200 GSM

5. XL Series Oil and Acrylic Paper, Foldover Pad From Canson

The Canson XL Series Oil and Acrylic Paper Pad stands out as a high-quality product tailored for oil and acrylic painting purposes. Boasting exceptional performance with a range of oil and acrylic mediums, this versatile pad has become the go-to choice for numerous artists worldwide.


There are several outstanding features that make the Canson XL Series unique. Firstly, the paper requires no priming or preparation, making it ready for immediate use with oil or acrylic paints. This is a significant advantage in terms of time and effort.

Furthermore, each pad contains 24 sheets of 136 lb/290 gsm paper with a canvas-like texture, ensuring a bleed-resistant surface that closely emulates an authentic canvas. With three distinct sizes available, the pad caters to artists working on different scales.

Despite its many positive attributes, the Canson XL Series Oil and Acrylic Paper Pad does have some minor drawbacks. The primary concern is the susceptibility of the paper to warping when dealing with heavy or wet paint. Artists planning to utilize thick layers of paint or vigorous techniques should be mindful of this limitation.

Sheet Size: 9″ x 12″ | No. of Sheets: 24 Sheets | Paper Weight: 290 GSM

Best Acrylic Paper Pads Comparison Table

Product Sheet Size No. of Sheets Paper Weight
U.S. Art Supply Acrylic Painting Pad 11″ x 14″ 12 Sheets 400 GSM
Strathmore Canvas Paper Pad 9″ x 12″ 10 Sheets 187 GSM
22-Sheet Oil and Acrylic Essentials Artist Paper Pad from Royal Langnickel 9″ x 12″ 22 Sheets 125 GSM
Acrylic Paint Artist Paper Pad from Royal Langnickel Essentials 5″ x 7″ 15 Sheets 200 GSM
Canson XL Series Oil & Acrylic Paper Pad 9″ x 12″ 24 Sheets 290 GSM

Buying Guide for the Best Acrylic Paper Pad

If you are a professional, selecting a good-quality acrylic paper pad that fits your needs might not be a problem. However, if you’re just starting out with acrylic painting, there are a few things that you need to take into consideration before you make your purchase.
Here is a little guide for all those of you who aren’t quite sure about which paper pad to choose for your particular needs. I’ve explained in detail a few of the things that you should look for in a good Acrylic Paper Pad.


When it comes to papers, weight, and thickness are synonymous. Since acrylic paints are water-soluble, choosing an acrylic paper pad that is thick and has a nice grit to it is of absolute necessity.

Always look out for the weight of the paper sheets in the specifications when you’re buying an acrylic paper pad. The higher the weight of the sheets, the higher the thickness will be.

Sheet Size

This should depend on your personal requirements – whether you want portability or are looking for a paper pad that is more suitable for home/studio use. Acrylic Paper Pads come in a lot of different sizes, and you have the option of painting ultra-tiny artist cards or huge canvas-like paintings.


The finish or the texture of your acrylic paper sheet is also an important consideration that you need to make before you make your purchase. Paper is usually much smoother when compared to the typical canvas paper. However, it still requires some pre-treatment with primer if you wish to further smoothen your surface before painting.

What type of paper is best for acrylic paint?

Heavyweight, acid-free paper with a medium to rough texture is recommended for acrylic painting.

Do I need to prime the paper?

Primed paper is not essential, but it can help make the surface less absorbent and provide optimal color vibrancy. You can use acrylic gesso for priming.

Is watercolor paper a good option for acrylic paint?

Yes, high-quality watercolor paper with a rough, textured surface and of the right weight works well with acrylic paint.

What is the ideal paper size?

There is no specific size requirement, but it’s best to choose a size that allows you to comfortably execute your ideas and techniques.

For beginners, starting with smaller sizes can be an economical choice.

How do I keep my paper from warping when using acrylic paints?

Using heavyweight paper, and taping it down securely to a flat, rigid surface can help prevent warping while working on the painting.

Priming the paper might also reduce the chances of warping.


When it comes to selecting the best papers for acrylic paint, it is crucial to consider quality, thickness, texture, and versatility. Each artist will have their unique preferences depending on their objectives and the painting techniques they employ.

From the above 5 best papers for acrylic paint, here are the top three expert recommendations:

The 12-Sheet Acrylic Painting Spiral-Bound Paper Pad by U.S. Art Supply is an ideal option for those seeking a convenient and high-quality paper pad specially designed for easy and casual painting. The thick and sturdy design ensures that colors won’t bleed or buckle as you create your masterpiece.

For artists looking for an authentic canvas-like experience, the 115-Pound 10-Sheet Canvas Paper Pad from Strathmore is a good option. With its off-white hue and canvas-like texture, this paper pad closely mimics the feel of a real stretched canvas.

For those who need versatility and the ability to work with various art mediums, the 22-Sheet Oil and Acrylic Essentials Artist Paper Pad from Royal Langnickel is the right choice. This paper pad’s flexibility and adaptability make it a great alternative to traditional canvas.

In summary, these top three expert recommendations cater to different artists’ needs and preferences. Each of them stands out for specific factors, making them excellent choices for acrylic painting enthusiasts. Invest in the one that best fits your requirements and let your creativity shine.

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