10 Outdoor Kitchen Trends to Look Out for in 2023

Outdoor kitchen trends to look out for in 2021

With the New Year flowing in like a radiant dream into all of our lives, we can’t help but desire of upgrading and revolutionizing every aspect of our daily existence for a fresh new start!

Since home is where the heart lies, what better way there is than to start this beautiful process from your lovely abode itself?

We can collectively agree that the way to all our hearts and souls routes through the kitchen. And when you pair it up with an enchanting outdoors setting, you can find the kind of joy that is but rare to come by these days.

Featured Image via Brooke Lark@brookelark

And, the great news is that this year is going to be looking on some scorching hot outdoor kitchen trends that will redefine the modern culinary space for decades to come!

But for now, we would like you to be a part of what we think are some of the raddest kitchen styles. So, let’s just get right into it!

Outdoor Kitchen Trends

Newest vogue for the cookhouse!

With state-of-the-art technological developments and coolest new inventions in every field, people are getting more and more excited about experimenting with styles and decors.

Outdoor kitchens, bigger patios or sculleries attached to a beautiful garden space seems to be all the rage that’s not exactly going out of trend all that soon.

And rightly so, because it not only looks stunning, but it also gives you the benefit of enjoying a cozy meal with a lot of friends or family in a beautiful outdoorsy setting.

Perfect for unwinding or having private get-togethers, outdoor kitchens are the solution to modern fine dining in good spirit.

Ruling outdoor kitchen trends for the coming year!

As we all know, some things never get old or go out of fashion. These could include a classic wooden floor, a copper-accented decor or even a pretty little herbarium in your own kitchen! And if you like things to be a bit “meta,” go for minimalism, spelling “less is more” with your own innovative lighting and artistic, ingenious appliances.

Whatever you do, you cannot go wrong with some of the coolest makeover designs we’ve jotted for you in this section. Have a look!

  1. Stonework

Nothing spells classic and elegant more than some pure and pristine stonework in a natural setting of green and blue with a dash of vibrant florals! Greece, anyone?

White stone decks for mounting pillar, patios, and seating arrangements are something that you cannot go wrong with.

You could make a stunning stonework statement on the mounting-columns for your outdoor kitchens. This timeless design has been used to create marvelous porches with full stone sections for charming visual accents and to house fireplaces.


Image via Drew Coffman@drewcoffman

With the rising demand for patio deck combinations, coordinated masonry features for the patios are just the “in thing” that we aren’t going to get over for a long time to come.

For kitchen interiors and high-end countertops, quartz has always been the most coveted of all. It is extremely tough and easy to maintain, lasting almost forever and is antimicrobial.

And its unparalleled rival, granite, also in the high-end bracket, is a bit more delicate.

The earlier times saw designers go haywire for the lack of color tones when it came to quartz. Fortunately, you can now choose from a wide range of natural stone patterns and elaborate designs for your quartz portions.

And, for colors, you can easily avail shades and tones ranging from grey, taupe, creamy or pure white finishes to customize your kitchen your way.

  1. Built-in seat walls

The main aspect of an outdoor kitchen space is the atmosphere of invitation and hospitality that make people feel more at ease and included in the place. This is where you have to pay attention to the seating arrangements for your outdoor kitchen.

Perfect for having a large gathering over, make the place a bit more attractive and luxuriant with built-in wall seatings to add the required depth to the place.

It will ensure comfort and convenience with all the effects of a cozy little outdoor lounging place open to all. Low walls can be used to define an outdoor kitchen; and with smooth coping, they can also create more space.  

Engineered flooring explained

Image via Harprit Bola@studiorla

Decorative masonry for seating arrangements is in high demand due to the increasing preference for giving outdoor kitchens an all natural touch without adding a lot of furniture to the space. This creates a lot of room for other activities and to accommodate a lot of guests comfortably.

This is definitely one popular trend to look out for in the coming year!

  1. Deck, Porch, and Patio Combinations

Remember when you could only have one out of a deck or patio? We understand the dissatisfaction of not having both and are clearly over the time when we had to choose between them.

With incredible advancements in the home designing arena, we can now reap the sweet benefits of having deck, porch, and patio all together in stunning new combinations!

Not only can this give you a customized luxuriant space with brilliant color and material profile, but it will also allow you to fully enjoy the whole of your outdoor area.

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Image via Johanna Dahlberg@johaberga

And, 2023 will be seeing a lot more of these being used for outdoor kitchen purposes.

Serve up breakfast on your sundeck or enjoy a private barbeque and calming dinner on your beautiful flower-wreathed patio. And if the rain arrives, simply smile at it for you’ll have it all!

  1. Stainless Steel Cabinets

Outdoor kitchens may be the in-thing right now for a lot of pretty little reasons. But whoever thought of the rage of inclement weather that could wreak sheer havoc over all your plans for the next brunch or grill?

Protecting your outdoor kitchen from the onslaught of climatic disaster and save it from losing its style statement at the same time, will not require for you to wrap things up in plastic bags.

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Image via John Jennings@john_jennings

Simply go for the clean and functional stainless steel cabinets you know we all love to flaunt in a minimalistic room decor. These are perfect for outdoor cooking due to being resistant to damp, rot or contamination by insects. It will also protect your new appliances or its own finish from tarnishing.

Also, beautiful stainless steel outdoor kitchen doors are the other part of this great option that will only compliment the metallic style of your kitchen, making it truly spectacular.

With so much steel finish to choose from, you’ll definitely bag the best for your kitchen in the coming year. Be it matte, brushed metal or pure gloss, your new outdoor kitchen is definitely in for a shine!

  1. Futuristic Lighting!

An outdoor kitchen means to have the sun flooding the entire place with all its radiance, lifting all our spirits high up. But what of when it goes down? Same old halogens and fluorescents dragging on and on down the years?

Not anymore!

The world has welcomed the era of the LED with open arms, and we’re not complaining one bit about it!

Not only does it save you a ton of money in electricity bills, but nowadays, the many designs that LED offers are absolutely to die for!

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From elegant and futuristic pendants to glorious chandeliers, you could have it all to lighten and brighten up your sweet little kitchen after dark.

LED strips help to illuminate all awkward or obscure places and create a comfortable, warm glow for all to relax. These also create visual interest by accentuating architectural details.

Nowadays LEDs also come with efficient dimmers and in a myriad of different colors. This allows you to color coordinate as well as control the intensity of the light according to the mood and ambiance. And did we also mention that you can also get motion-sensored ones to make your job even easier?

Install a strip lighting under cabinets or glass-counters, or even underneath ledges of permanent seatings to make the place easier to navigate in the dark.

These can bring in a beautiful look without causing the eye to fixate on any ugly jutting light fixture or socket. Ensure the temperature ratings of these lights to have it seamlessly fit with the environment.

We could safely place our bets on an epic LED chandelier to be the show-stealer in such a place in the coming year, wishing to see more and more of it soon!

For more power-efficient options, you can always rely on, that provides the best electric alternatives for all your requirements.

  1. Blended spaces with glass and wood!

This has truly been a mesmerizing design that we are just not letting go off too soon!

Sliding glass or wooden doors can bring in an element of classic decor anytime. But when they are paired divergently together, it could work wonders for the overall design of a house.

If you have an extended outdoor kitchen or any cooking space with an adjacent garden, do consider getting sliding glass doors to accentuate the natural surrounding of the place and having a wonderful view of the area. It allows everyone to enjoy the sun and greens inside and out in good spirit, making for a peaceful retreat.

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And, if you already have a touch of glass going, think about doing the interiors or other furnishings in lively wood. Think: Pecky Cypress finishes! It is a type of wood that has a grainy texture with narrow cavities.

It is the hot new favorite in the home decor department and is being greatly sought after by all who want to add that hint of eclectic to an otherwise conventional interior.

And, we’ll be seeing a lot more of these awe-inspiring new designs in the new days to come!

  1. Bold kitchen sinks

Little do we acknowledge the role of a kitchen sink or basin in contributing to the overall look of our cookhouse. We have seen an immense number of trends regarding kitchen sinks over an enormous period of time. But this is one thing that only gets better with the passing days.

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Image via Toa Heftiba@heftiba

We had our traditional porcelains and stainless steels. And it’s now time to embrace the bold, the unconventional and the eccentric. Get along with darker tones and hammered golds, or even psychedelic shapes and patterns to thrill and chill everybody at the gathering.

You could even opt for embossed sinks including some with brilliant metallic accents, and other of color to compliment the kitchen furnishing.

  1. Open shelving!

The traditional farmhouse open shelves are making a marvelous comeback and are here to stay for long! We are loving the simplelook of these shelves that, in our opinion, is perfect for the relaxed and calming environment of an outdoor kitchen and dining space.

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Image via Paul Hanaoka@paul_

Open shelves let you showcase all your beautiful kitchenwares, heirlooms or other antiques, or to make a statement against a lovely wallpaper. It is also an exceedingly functional arrangement that allows you to keep track of your storage or get them easily whenever need be.

  1. Innovative appliances

With the advent of the era of the outdoor kitchen, manufacturers and designers are getting even more creative in developing artistic and “smart” appliances to amaze the casual eye.

From automatic wine chillers to motion sensors and detectors for the perfect crisp and bake, the world is in a frenzy to come up with unbelievable designs and mechanism.

Pizza oven and outdoor stoves have always been the subjects to numerous experiments, and it’s definitely not changing any time soon. Be it the traditional brick oven or a stainless steel one, it’s always going to garner the attention and the praise for being the real star of the show.

People nowadays are also looking forward to getting custom designs that will give everybody their own unique outdoor kitchen unit. There is also a growing interest in flexible kitchens that cater to the individual needs of the user.

You can go for removable countertops that cover cooking surfaces over traditional ones to make a fresh new statement.

  1. Dark matte appliances or gold and copper accents?

Dark matte texture had made its grand appearance quite a while back and has become an absolute favorite to some of us. This is because it gives you the perfect blend of all that is required to make the ultimate style declaration: class, elegance, and power.

You could even go for glossy black panels to give your kitchen an edgy and hypnotic effect nobody can look away from.

A dark matte finish naturally reduces the appearances of fingerprints and dirt. It is something that fits seamlessly with most kitchen materials.

And, can we all just take a moment to appreciate how well gold and copper accents sit with richer and darker tones?

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Image via Jose Soriano@josesorianophoto

The recent times are seeing the rising demand for metallic accents. This is also one trend that you can bet will stay on for 2023 and as far as we think, for many more years to come.

These metallic accents are being used extensively for small fixtures such as taps, faucets, or cabinet handles to have just the tiniest glint and a spark here and there that make a beautiful kitchen ambiance.

These compliment both dark and lighter tones and are a crucial factor among interior designer aficionados.

These accents create an elite and vintage impression without searing a hole through your pocket.

So, be rest assured that this is going to shine its way well into the future with much elegance and beauty.


And that was pretty much all for this article! We hope you liked our endeavor to provide a perspective on all things beautiful for a sweet little outdoor kitchen; and we’re certain that these are going to leave an indelible mark for many years to come!

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